
Showing posts from November, 2018


I think that success is happiness because yeah you can have alot of money but that does not necessarily mean that everyone is happy and that is what victor hugo is trying to explain that you dont have to have money to be successful or you dont need to fit in either that is what I think victor hugo is trying to tell us about success .

Can Intellectual Opposites Attract

I think that the one thing that i got surprised from was when Bienvenu went to go meet with the conventionist actually felt something and agreed with the conventionist and then after that the bishop looked at people differentlty. But in all the bishop learned new things and insight from the conventionist that he thought he knew.

Whats This All About

So far the book has been about M.Muriel and what he has done with his life since his family died. My impression of the book is pretty good becuase the author goes into so much detail about the characters.

pg18-pg20 summary

In the pages the bishop goes around and gives money to the poor when he has some and when he does not have money he goes to the rich. He gave his time to the sick, needy, and the afflicted. In other words he treats everyone equally

What Happens Next

The thing that makes a compelling story is suspence because when you are reading a good book with suspence you want to know what happens next and that is what gets the reader keep on reading